Grievance procedures are explained in the Staff Contractual Manual, this can found in the section titled ‘Dismissal & Grievance Procedure’. It is company policy to ensure that any employee with a grievance has access to a procedure, which can lead to a speedy resolution of the grievance in a fair manner.
Most routine complaints and grievances are best resolved informally in discussion with your immediate line manager.
Where the grievance cannot be resolved informally it will be dealt with under the following procedure.
The standard grievance procedure:
Step 1: You give us a written statement of your grievance
You must put your grievance in a written statement and send a copy to the Manager. Where the grievance is against this individual, the matter should be raised with a more senior manager.
Step 2: Meeting is held and we inform you of the outcome
We will then invite you to attend a meeting to discuss the grievance. The meeting will only take place once you have informed us of the basis for the grievance you have set out in your written statement, and we have had a reasonable opportunity to consider what response to make. You must take all reasonable steps to attend the meeting.
As soon as possible after the meeting we will inform you of the decision taken in response to the grievance and notify you of your right to appeal if you are not satisfied with it.
Step 3: Appeal if necessary
If you then wish to appeal, you must inform us and we will invite you to an appeal hearing. You must take all reasonable steps to attend. If reasonably practicable, a more senior manager who has not been involved in the grievance procedure so far will deal with the appeal.
As soon as possible after the hearing, we will inform you of our decision, which will be final.
Raising grievances after you have left the company
If you wish to raise a grievance after you have left the company's employment, you must follow a two-step procedure.
Step 1: You give us a written statement of your grievance
You must put your grievance in a written statement and send a copy to the Senior Management
Step 2: We give you a written response
We will write back to you giving our response to the points you have raised.
General principles applicable to the procedures
1 We will try out each step in the procedure without unreasonable delay and arrange meetings at reasonable times and locations.
2. Meetings will be conducted in a way that allows both parties to explain their case.
3. Records should be kept detailing the nature of the grievance raised, our response, any action taken and the reasons for it. These records will be kept confidential.
4. You have the right to be accompanied to the hearing by a trade union representative or a co-worker.
Parents may contact Ofsted directly should they wish; the relevant contact details are:
Ofsted, 5-7th Floors, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street Manchester M1 2WD
0300 123 1231 www.ofsted.gov.uk enquiries@ofsted.gov.uk
Updated July 2023