Coronavirus (COVID-19)
During the COVID-19 pandemic LTNS follows strict guidelines from the English Government, NHS and Public Health England.
All staff, children and families must continue to follow guidance and the updated risk assessments of each setting. Each LTNS has a risk assessment which outlines a set of control measures around the environments, the staffing procedures and the health and well-being of the children.
Further guidance such as when new children settle in the nursery and when prospective parents view the settings has been implemented to continue to keep the children and staff safe.
The main measures in place are social distancing, regular hand washing and hand sanitizing, deep cleaning the environments and ensuring those who have symptoms of a high temperature, a persistent cough or loss of taste or smell do not enter the nursery environment. We review our guidance internally weekly and as needed in line with any further guidance by Government.
Please see the link below, for our latest COVID-19 policy:
More information can also be found by visiting the following government website:
Each LTNS risk assessment is updated on an on-going weekly basis. Please contact info@LTNS.org.uk if you would like copies of any of our risk assessments, viewing guidelines or settling policy.